Limerick Prompt

Because it’s National Humor Month and Nation Poetry Month, I wanted to combined the celebrations into one prompt and decided on a limerick prompt. Then I discovered I can’t write limericks. Haiku, yes. Acrostic poems, yes. Limericks–I can do the first two lines and get stuck. Here’s the limerick I started that was inspired by the photo:

There once was a lion and girl

Who decided to give friendship a twirl.

And that’s as far as I got. I even tried writing a limerick on my inability to write one:

There once was a writer in Ohio

Whose poetry made her sigh so.

I’m still stuck. I console myself with the fact that even gifted poets, like Lori Z. Scott, who will be guest blogging this week, have trouble with different poetic forms. She writes about her effort to tackle a sonnet.

If you can write limericks, please leave it in the comments below. Or if you get inspiration for finishing either of mine, I’d love to read it!

If limericks stump you like they do me, try last week’s spring acrostic prompt.

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