A Valentine’s Day Haiku

A Valentine’s Day haiku seems an appropriate writing prompt for this week. I wrote this haiku for my husband. And I know I have six syllables instead of five in the last line. I tried it a couple different ways, and I think this line best conveys my meaning. If you’re inspired, please leave a haiku or any kind of Valentine’s Day poem in the comments.

A blaze, a whisper,

A sigh, a laugh, or a touch–

However you need love.

For more poetry prompts, click here.

Write a Romantic Backstory

The prompt to fit in with this month’s theme of love and romance challenges you to write romantic backstory for one of the couples in this picture. That’s what drew me to this photo–three couples who could be at very different stages in their relationships, providing the potential for very different backstories. What kind of romantic backstory could you write for the elderly couple? Or the couple walking away? Or the young couple on the bench? Leave your inspiration in the comments!

For more writing prompts for romance, click here.

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