What’s the Backstory for this Character?

Backstories are critical for a character. First, it helps the author understand him or her, and second, it helps the reader to understand the character as along as the author only shares the parts of the backstory that are needs for a particular story. So what’s the backstory for this character? Even nonhuman ones need… Continue Reading →

Inspiration for Creating Characters

I’m a character writer. I can’t start a story until I have a good grasp of most of my major characters. I usually start with a face that catches my attention for some reason, but there are so many other ways for finding characters. If you need inspiration for creating characters, try the suggestions below…. Continue Reading →

Choose a Protagonist for a YA Story

Protagonist is just an English major way of saying main character. My prompt today is for you to choose a protagonist for a YA story based on the photos below. In the comments, name the one you think would make a good protagonist. I’ll pick the one that gets the most comments, and then next… Continue Reading →

Choose an Antagonist for a YA Story

After tabulating the votes, we have a tie for which one of the photos from last week will be our YA protagonist. To break the tie, I selected … the young man below. I like his thoughtful look. This week, choose an antagonist for a YA story from the other photos I provide. An antagonist… Continue Reading →

What’s the Story Behind This Expression?

For the character prompt today, I’d love to hear your ideas for the story behind this expression. I imagine that this man has worked hard his whole life. Maybe a fisherman or a farmer. He looks wary and suspicious. For many years, he’s carried a secret. He’s listening to a conversation and is worried that… Continue Reading →

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