Close Your Eyes to Nature

If you want a nature scene to come to life for your readers, you may have to close your eyes to nature so you can tune into your other senses. I used this idea as a prompt two years ago and thought it’d be valuable to repost. If you can, visit the natural location where… Continue Reading →

A Poem for 2022

I’m taking a different approach to my last writing prompt about endings. Write a poem for 2022 that sums your experiences in the year. I decided to go with a haiku. Fear, worry, and doubt Clenching tighter and tighter. Father breaks them all. JPC Allen I’d love to read your poem, in whatever poetic form… Continue Reading →

Prompt for Fall Haiku

Since my theme is nature this month, I have to have a haiku prompt, and since it’s September, what could be better than a prompt for fall haiku? I wrote the poem below a few years ago. Fall may still be my favorite season, but my taste seems to be changing. Spring and summer have… Continue Reading →

Using Spring Weather in a Setting

My blog is following “The Journey of a Book” this year, and you can’t write a book without examining setting. Besides the buildings and landscapes our stories takes place in, we writers also have to consider the climate and the weather. I live in Ohio, which is also the setting of my mystery series. It’s… Continue Reading →

Close Our Eyes to Nature

Sight is such a dominant sense in humans that for writers to evoke the other senses, we may need to close our eyes to nature. A few days ago, I sat on the river bank near my home while the kids fished and closed my eyes to tune in my other sense to nature. Below… Continue Reading →

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