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Guest Blogger Madisyn Carlin

Guest blogger Madisyn Carlin

It’s always fun to introduce to a new author here at JPC Allen Writes. My guest blogger Madisyn Carlin releases her first novel, Deceived, on April 25 and offers tips for the writer beginning to wade into the unknown waters of writing his or her first novel.

I arrived late to the writing scene. Instead of being bitten by the storytelling bug in my early years, I finally decided to apply imagination to paper at age sixteen. With some hefty encouragement from my mom, a homeschool assignment to write a novel in a year, and a vague idea that came from nowhere, I set out to see if I could be a writer. 

I learned something within the first few chapters. Writing your first novel—and seeing it to completion—is not as easy as it sounds. 

Dear writer, you will experience setbacks, writer’s block, disappointments, discouragement, and, perhaps, even the temptation to give up and call it quits. When that happens, here are five methods to help you see your novel to completion.

One: Pray

I know it’s exciting to watch those words appear on the screen or on paper, but don’t run headlong into writing. First, spend time in prayer. Pray God will guide you as you write and that the words you write are for His glory. Dedicate your story to Him.

Colossians 3:23 says, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men”. Write your book with the anticipation of creating a product that will glorify God. This will help keep you from worrying about potential criticisms and the fact not everyone will like your story.

Two: Learn

There are two basic types of writers. The plotter and the panster. The plotter details their story through outlines, meticulously writing their story from beginning to end—in that order. The panster writes scenes and chapters out of order and returns to piece them together. Determine which type you are. 

During what time of day do you have the most inspiration? Nighttime? Daytime? Afternoon? Midday? Are you an early bird or the night owl? Furthermore, what provides inspiration? Going on a walk and letting your mind wander? Listening to music? Looking at pictures? Does another hobby, like baking, yardwork, or exercise, give you bursts of ideas? Find what provides inspiration and utilize it. This will not only keep your mind limber and ready to write, but it will help lessen writer’s block.

Three: Create

Find Bible verses, pictures, music, settings, colors, quotes, and more that inspire you. Create a mood board or aesthetic. This can be done by pasting pictures and links into a writing document or using photo editors/collage creators. Refer to this daily; definitely just before you begin writing. If you like to draw, sketch your characters. If you like graphic design, create a mock cover.

Four: Write

This goes without saying. After you’ve sufficiently prepared yourself using the three aforementioned steps, sit down and write. Focus on your story and let the creativity flow. Don’t edit as you write. There will be time for that later.

Five: Never Give Up

It’s said the only guarantees in life are death and taxes. For the writer, one more thing is added to the list: writing struggles. These include, but are not limited to, writer’s block, discouragement, disappointments, and outside distractions. Sometimes, these tempt us to give up on our novel. When those struggles come, and they will, endure. Push on. Fight for your story. Don’t give up on the dream God has planted in your heart. 

Writing is an adventure. You never know where your characters and plot will take you. As you embark on this journey, remember first and foremost that you are writing for God, and second, that you can do this.

Thank you so much, Madisyn, for your words of encouragement. It’s something every writer needs!


What a gorgeous cover!

In a land built upon lies and deception, uncovering the truth can be deadly.

Therese Westa is sick of death, but taking lives is what provides for her younger sisters. When a client approaches her with an unusual request, Therese takes the job offer, which includes the condition of “no questions asked”. As Therese uncovers the reason for the request, she is faced with a choice: kill an innocent man or save her sisters.

Therese’s hesitation to carry out the assassination thrusts her into the aftermath of a dangerous chain of events. Caught between security and truth, Therese must choose where her loyalties lie, for the answer will determine who survives. 


Madisyn Carlin is a Christian, homeschool graduate, blogger, voracious bookdragon, and author. When not spending time with her family or trekking through the mountains, she weaves tales of redemption, faith, and action.

Connect with Madisyn below::



Instagram handle: madisyn_carlin

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