Haiku for Christmas

I love how haiku acts as a verbal snapshot of its subject. Below is a haiku for Christmas I wrote a few years ago. If you’re inspired, put your haiku in the comments. Let the muse of poetry ignite your imagination! Cold and darkness reign. But one light from a stable Warms and brightens all…. Continue Reading →

Poems of Faith

I love to write poetry. The art form is such a change of pace from writing mysteries. Nature usually is the catalyst to inspire me, and when it does, the result is almost always poems of faith. One place in nature that sparks my poetic side is the river by our house. I find such… Continue Reading →

Prompt for Fall Haiku

Since my theme is nature this month, I have to have a haiku prompt, and since it’s September, what could be better than a prompt for fall haiku? I wrote the poem below a few years ago. Fall may still be my favorite season, but my taste seems to be changing. Spring and summer have… Continue Reading →

Prompt for a Spring Poem

New month, new theme! April is national poetry month. I decided to combine music and poetry as my theme since aspects of the two arts overlap. I was going to have a prompt for a spring haiku today, but then a poem came to me that was strictly modern, so I settled on a prompt… Continue Reading →

Writing Tips from Poet Lori Z. Scott

Always happy to introduce you to an author new to JPC Allen Writes. I met author and poet Lori Z. Scott on Instagram and have enjoyed her poetry so much that I asked her to guest blog for National Poetry Month. Welcome, Lori! People write poetry for many reasons. To express pain, sorrow, or joy…. Continue Reading →

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